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   You want to see stuff and whatever? Then you are in the right place. Not many words ...just pictures to speak for.


   CNC Router: The first project with the CNC router I built. Check Projects/CNC Router for more details.

Algonquin 2008 ...As usual, go to "Places"

Romania 2008 ...Check "Places"

Column ...Check "Projects"

Lavitza ...A bench built with my friend Nelu. Check "Projects"

CNC Router ...Back to business. After a long break with the help from my friend "J" the project continues with the mechanical part. ...DONE!!!

Coffee Table ...Nelu is back. ...with a coffee table (his own design). As usual go to projects and look for it.

Ela's art ...Some of Ela's paintings. Just go to projects.

And now with ...YouTube Check the CNC project.

...And if you want to ask about the projects just send a message