CNC Router

08/18/2007 - This will "industrialize" my projects ;-). The electronic part is ready. Here it is, tested with Mach 3 software (thanks to HobbyCNC and Mach software). Now I need to do the table itself (actuators, tool handler, etc.) ...a long run but the start is promising.

01/26/2008 The work on the mechanical part has started with the help from my friend "J". Let's hope it will be done soon ;-). BTW, what made me to revive the project is the Patrick Hood-Daniel's website: If he managed to do all that in the bathroom and living room with minimal tools then it should be way easier on a reasonably equipped workshop. Anyway, motivation cannot be replaced with all the tools in the world. Let's see how it works out.

02/02/2008 ...And now with YouTube

02/16/2008 First milestone is accomplished. All axis are ready. Now we need to install the drivers and the motors.

02/22/2008 Second big step. X axis and Y axis are up and running. The first test to draw something was successful. Check the videos for real action.

03/04/2008 DONE!!! It's crispy it's so done. Thanks to my friend "J" for helping ...a lot. The first product has been routed. A diamond shape. ..I might not get rich producing these but still it's a big success. The router worked flawlessly.

Go to CNC videos.
001-ElectronicsBox 002-Unpacked 003-PCB 004-Steppers 005-Soldering
006-Soldering 007-Controller 008-Mach2 009-CNC 010-Table
011-Table 012-MainBoard 013-CloseUp 014-Angle 015-RailMockup
016-TableParts 017-TableMockup 018-Details 019-RailDetail 020-Table
021-TableAssembeld 022-EnforcementRail 023-TFramesAssembled 024-TableDetails 025-Rails
026-RailsLinearBearings 027-RailsLinearBearings 028-LinearBearing 029-LinearBearing 030-LinearBearing
031-TableFinal 032-RailDetails 033-RailDetails 034-RailLinearBearing 035-RailLinearBearing
036-GantryWireFrame 037-GantryWireFrame 038-Gantry 039-Gantry 040-Gantry
041-GantrySide 042-GantrySide 043-GantrySide 044-GantrySide 045-GantrySideMockup
046-Gantry 047-GantryDetails 048-Undercarriage 049-GantryBack 050-GantryDetails
051-YAxis 052-YLinearBearing 053-TableGantryBearings 054-YBack 055-TableBack
056-YRail 057-AllAxis 058-Table 059-YAxis 060-YAxisDetails
061-YAxisDetails 062-YAxisDetails 063-YAxisDetails 064-YAxisBack 065-TableBack
066-YAxis 067-ZRails 068-ZBearings 069-YAxis 070-YAxisDetails
071-Table 072-TableRouter 073-TableRouterDetails 074-ZAxis 075-ZAxis
076-Table 077-YZAxis 078-ZAxis 079-ZAxis 080-ZAxis
081-ZAxis 082-ZAxis 083-ZAxis 084-ZAxis 085-ZAxis
086-Tool 087-Tool 088-Tool 089-Tool 090-Tool
091-StepperMockup 092-StepperMockup 093-BearingCollet 094-ScrewCollet 095-ScrewCollet
096-AxisMockup 097-AxisMockup 098-AxisMockup 099-AxisMockup 100-AxisMockup
101-XAxisStepper 102-XStepper 103-XAxisTest 104-LeadScreeDetails 105-XAxisSupport
106-XYAxis 107-XYAxis 108-YAxis 109-DrawRoadRunner 110-DrawDetails
111-ZAxis 112-ZAxis 113-ZAxisDetails 114-ZAxisBack 115-Router
116-Router 117-Router 118-Router 119-CNC 120-Work
121-Work 122-Work 123-Work 124-Work 125-Product